Madonna House Apostolate
Madonna House Apostolate is one of the oldest ecclesial communities in North America, and is comprised of laymen, laywomen and priests under Promises of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience.
Some charisms of the community of Madonna House Apostolate are:
To preach the Gospel with our life.
To be poor, simple and hidden--a light to our neighbors' feet.
To practice hospitality of the heart and home.
To restore all things to Christ.
Madonna House Apostolate in the Archdiocese of Washington:
Our work is to pray for the Church, especially for the Holy Father, the local bishop, the Church in the archdiocese, and for the government and all who serve in it, particularly those serving here on Capitol Hill. We also provide prayer rooms (poustinias) for others to pray and fast for 24 hours in silence and solitude; and we offer hospitality for people who wish to come and visit or talk.
movement website