Families in Christ Jesus Community (FCJC)
Families Bringing Families to Christ. We are a federation of Catholic Christian Communities who believe in the urgent need to respond to God’s call to proclaim and defend His Gospel on the family (Gen 1:28; Gen 2:24). Our main purpose is:
To establish more prayer group communities, whose priority will be to develop loving and caring relationships.
To provide Christian formation, teachings, programs, seminars, symposia, retreats, recollections, and make Christian community life available to all, whether married, single, young adults, youth and young children.
To provide the means and the environment to strengthen and form families into Domestic Churches, emphasizing the priesthood of the parents as found in Scripture and in the teachings of the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.
To develop and strengthen the relationship and service of FCJC members to their Pastors, Parishes and Church. To make available Catholic Christian Teachings, in coordination with the Magisterium, to the Catholic members.
FCJC is a Christian Community that is Catholic, Charismatic, Evangelistic and Family Life Oriented.

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